Mobile e-commerce is a booming industry in Africa, and it’s set to continue growing.
There are more than 1 billion mobile phone users across the continent of Africa, which
makes this market ripe for new players looking to enter the space. By 2023, McKinsey &
Co. predicts there will be over 40 million African business owners who own smartphones
or tablets but not computers—they haven’t bought one yet.
What is Mobile E-commerce?
Mobile e-commerce is a form of e-commerce that uses mobile devices to purchase goods
and services. It’s growing at a faster rate than traditional e-commerce, and it has the
potential to become one of the most important industries in Africa.
Mobile commerce is a huge opportunity for businesses to grow their revenue while they
continue investing in technology and innovation. As smartphone ownership continues to
increase across Africa, consumers will have more access than ever before to buy goods
online through their phones — something they can do even when they don’t have internet
connectivity or access.
The Importance of Mobile E-Commerce in Africa
Mobile e-commerce is a form of e-commerce that uses mobile devices to purchase goods
and services. It’s growing at a faster rate than traditional e-commerce, and it has the
potential to become one of the most important industries in Africa.
Mobile commerce is a huge opportunity for businesses to grow their revenue while they
continue investing in technology and innovation. As smartphone ownership continues to
increase across Africa, consumers will have more access than ever before to buy goods
online through their phones — something they can do even when they don’t have internet
connectivity or access.
If you are interested in mobile e-commerce, there is no need to be a tech expert or
marketing guru; all that matters is keeping an open mind and trying new ideas.